Demo Reel (3:58)

Productions I've Work In
click on any image or text to view that video

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
I play a Rabbi

Welcome to Verplanck
Comedy Webseries
Small town sheriff, multiple episodes

L'Chaim? (Drama)
I play a Rabbi

Hospital Industrial, training video for major hospital network
Frustrated patient calling hospital billing department

The Blast Effect
Lead, Entire film shot in 1 take
Survivalist in a bunker losing his mind

ESPN National Commercial
Speaking about ESPN Full Court (college basketball package)

Nitehawk Nitehawk Cinema comedic explainer video
Lead, Live-Action & Voiceover

Mob Fathers Mob Fathers: Permanent Rehab (Full-length Dark Comedy)
Judge taking a bribe, surprised by mobsters

The Daily Show The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Comedy sketch
Hasidic guy in an argument

howcast Howcast: How To Convince Your Boss You Really Did Have a Doctor's Appointment
Boss, comedic video

Cancer Treatment Today (Commercial)
Spokesperson Commercial
Comedic Game Show Spoof
I play a bad game show announcer

HuffPost HuffPost Video: 48 Things Men Hear In A Lifetime (That Are Bad For Everyone)

Mashal ManMashal Man (Children’s Video)
Live Action plus Animation
Raw green screen footage

Late Late Night with Jimmy Fallon
comedy sketch
Spoof of Dancing with the Stars

Duplicates Duplicates
Gruff hardware store counter man

Woody Allen Woody Allen, the Apocalypse and ...
(Comedy Feature)
I play a scientist

Freeze Tag (Comedy short)
I play the dad of a kid permanently frozen in a game of freeze tag

Breadwinner Breadwinner (Full video)
Voiceover, Lead
I'm the storyteller in this poignant story

Jimmy Jimmy Kimmel Live
Skit, Guillermo's Entrance. We dance!